Monday, January 27, 2020
How Ethics affect a Nurses role in Euthanasia
How Ethics affect a Nurses role in Euthanasia Euthanasia is an emerging argument seen all over the world. In this argument includes the role of the nurse and the four ethics the nurse is to abide by, justice, beneficence, autonomy and non-maleficence. This paper will explore how these four ethics can play a part in how the nurse may feel about the idea of euthanasia, and how these four ethics can play a part in the deciding factor of whether euthanasia of humans is something that should be carried out or not, regardless of persons physical health. It will examine which ethical principles is the argument for or against euthanasia, is the involvement of the nurse ethically justified, and if so, can it be considered good nursing care? The practice of nursing has long had a high regard for, and treasuring, of life. If it is the job of the nurses to save and protect lives, then how can the consideration of euthanasia fit into nursing practice? Many consider helping a person to find peace and to gain some control over their death as a means of treasuring life. It provides the person with the chance to die in a dignified manner, and to not suffer. The nurse infarcts four moral codes into everyday practice; respect for autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence and justice. These moral codes are brought into light exponentially when the request for euthanasia has been made by a patient and the nurse must find a way to not only adhere to the ethics of practice, and advocate for the patient, but to be in tune with their own ethical thoughts and feelings. In regards to respect for autonomy, euthanasia can be argued as a good practice. It can be justified from the basis of respect for the individuals autonomy (Quaghebeur, Dierckx de Casterle Gastmans, 2009). Providing care for the patient and respecting their autonomy means respecting the request of euthanasia from the patient, though it may not correlate with the nurses personal feelings of euthanasia, or their ability(physical or mental) to carry out the requested task (Quaghebeur, et al 2009) Professional integrity of nurses can be used to support euthanasia from the standpoint of autonomy as well. It is this integrity that is responsible for fellow humans, therefore having respect for their autonomy. In congruence with this responsibility for fellow humans, euthanasia is now compatible with the integrity of nursing. The nurse with this professional integrity respects the patient autonomy, therefore providing compassionate care and promoting optimal well being of the patient. As as result of this care, euthanasia is now in accordance to the idea of the nursing profession, as human dignity is protected, patient interest is promoted, and the patient is being cared for(White, 1999) In accordance to the moral point of justice, in order to protect the patients interests, euthanasia can be seen as good care for the patient, ethically justified as a form of a good death. It could be argued that it would be not only unjust, but cruel to refuse the request of euthanasia (Quaghebeur, et al 2009). The ethical principle of non -maleficence means to do no harm (Potter and Perry, 2010). However, nurses harm their patients everyday simply by administering treatments such as chemotherapy for a patient with cancer. These treatments are seen as acceptable however, because the benefit is greater than the initial harm(McCabe, 2007). The Hippocratic oath, an oath that is traditionally upheld by all nurses and medical professionals, has proscribed the event of abortion and surgery. Despite the true definition of this oath to do no harm, these practices are allowed because they serve the ability to promote patient well being. Along the same instance of promoting patient well being, a patient may need the nurse to assist them to die when prolonging life is indeed harming the patient. In this situation, death would be a benefit (White, 1999) This brings around the idea of beneficence, the nurse is the patient advocate who must do good, promulgate the best interest of others (Quaghebeur et al 2009). The nurse is very often the first to receive the request of euthanasia from the patient due to the closeness and depth of involvement the nurse has in a persons life. In a study of American nurses, the reasons claimed for having even participated in euthanasia was a feeling of responsibility for their patients welfare, and a way to help relieve the patient of their pain and suffering (De Bal, Gastmas, Dierckx de Casterle, 2008). Indeed, ending pain and suffering can be seen as doing no harm, but bringing about peace and comfort. For instance, the right thing for a nurse to do when confronted by the pain of a patient is to alleviate that pain, because healing is what the activity of nursing is directed at, easing the suffering and restore the sense of well-being to a patient. This is to act morally well, because this act assuag ed the pain of the patient. (McCabe, 2007) Nurses are committed to not only preventing and minimizing the effects of disease and promoting health, but to relieve pain and suffering that can be brought about by these maladies (White, 1999) Several criticisms can be seen going against the idea of euthanasia being a morally good practice because it is based upon respect for the patients autonomy (Quahgebeur et al 2009). It is argued that the nurse who is obliging to advocate for the patient wishing for euthanasia, while respecting the patients autonomy, is not respecting their own autonomy. Respecting a patients autonomy in regards to life, or the lack thereof, is undermining the importance of social community, as dying as a social practice, much as life is a social practice (Quaghebeur et al, 2009) Euthanasia is argued to in fact not administer justice to the autonomy of a patient (Quaghbeur et al 2009). If a patient does indeed receive euthanasia, though it may be respecting their autonomy by carrying out the request, once the patient has passed on, they are no longer able to enjoy that autonomy (Quaghebeur et al 2009). In the literature of nursing ethics, the principle of non-maleficence outright rejects euthanasia, due to the irreversible damage made to the patients life, it is seen as too drastic of an intervention to be even used (Quaghebeur et al 2009). According to the principle of non-maleficence,euthanasia is not considered good ethical nursing practice owing to the sanctity of human life Human life is deserving of respect, despite a growing population and people now living longer than before due to the advances of technology. Each human life is of both equal dignity and sacrosanct(Quaghebeur et al 2009). The American Nurses Association holds the position on this issue that assisting an individual to die is not compatible with the nurses role in society. Non-maleficence means to do no harm and this is the pledge nurses make to society. By assisting the patient in suicide, the trust between the nurse and the patient is destroyed. (ANA 2001) Doing good for the patient doesnt always mean ending their life when they have stated they want to die, as there is a difference between stating the desire to die as opposed to actually having the desire to be killed (Quaghebeur et al 2009). If the nurse wants to do good by the way of the patient, then quality and dignity of life must be examined. A patients interests are never served by fulfilling the request of death, even if the patient believes otherwise. Is it possible to actually judge how worthwhile someones life actually is, that there is a life that is not worth being lived? (Quaghebeur et al 2009). Ethics of desire may outshine the ethics of reason, and with that, a threat of moral relativism disseminating a patients interest determines good ethical nursing practice (McCabe 2007). In a case where preservation of life can no longer be attained, then the nurse will continue to heal through practice of ensuring physical and emotional comfort, support of the patient and their loved ones, assisting the patient to a place of security, comfort and peace (McCabe, 2007). Society places a great deal of trust upon the nursing profession and by engaging in measures to end a patients life, this professional integrity contravenes and undermines this trust that has been placed upon them. (McCabe, 2007) A nurse as an individual will need to clarify their own values, as the implications of euthanasia are enormous. As a nurse, a definitive decision on their position in regards to this issue must be made. All aspects of the issue must be looked at, fully understood, and only then a decision on position should be made. A nurse needs to respect not only a patients autonomy, but their own as well, and need to remain true to their own values as well. Many different controversial issues will be confronted during the career of a nurse, including assisted suicide. The nurse needs to be not only educated on the implications of such actions, but educated in their own opinions, with the ability to think critically about these controversial issues. A nurse will need to be involved in their politics to maintain their emotional integrity when confronted with a situation that may or may not be ethical to them. Within time, there is a greater chance of more and more states passing laws allowing human euthanasia to occur, as well as against, and the the ability to apply the oath to do no harm will be examined again and again. This writer believes that the act of euthanasia in nursing is a subject that needs to be considered very deeply. If the values of nursing ethics include autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence, then the concept of euthanasia, in a positive way, reflects all four ethics. A patient who is hurting, and a nurse who continues to prolong a life that is physically demoralizing and painful (indeed causing the patient harm, when a nurse is to do no harm), has a duty to that patient to ease the pain and suffering to the furthest extent possible to the request of the patient. Though it may seem irrelevant to the care of the patient, this writer has always had a firm belief of euthanasia. If a person puts their pet to sleep because the pet is no longer able to live a good quality of life, the owner does right by the pet by euthanizing it, though the pet cannot say in so many words that it is suffering and wants this to be over. A human being has the ability to express what his or her feelings on continuing their life, regardless of the quality, is. To deny a person who is fully capable of making their own decisions, the ability to end a life that will be soon be over and is wrought with pain and suffering, is wrong. To not allow the patient peace and comfort, and relief from pain that a nurse is supposed to give, impedes on the top ethic of medical practice, do no harm. Indeed by not complying with the patients wish of the pain to end, the nurse is doing harm, mentally and physically, and not just with the patient, but with the patients family as well. Though this writer will have to continue to educate herself on the practices that may or may not involve human euthanasia, it is the belief that this is a subject that will be brought up again and again, especially in the critical care settings, where pain, death and dying is at its greatest. Conclusion While there many arguments for and against assisted suicide, the answer to the question of whether it is right or wrong remains ambiguous. One reason for the lack of clear cut answers is that assisted suicide is an ethical issue which is dependent on a persons values, morals, religion, and experiences. In general, the topic of end-of-life decision making is very sensitive and evokes strong emotions and opinions. Instead of debating the issues involved with assisted suicide, this paper merely describes pertinent arguments that have been presented by both sides. There are many nursing implications that are associated with assisted suicide. Among these is the importance for nurses to be aware of their own beliefs about end-of-life care. Self-awareness will prepare nurses for obstacles they will face when dealing with death. Another implication is that nurses need to be cognizant of politics and legal authority. Becoming active in political processes, nurses can work to ensure that they will not be forced into doing procedures that come in direct conflict with their beliefs. In final conclusion, the code of ethics a nurse is to oblige by can come across as a very gray area. There does not seem to be any cut and dry reasoning behind whether the practice of euthanasia is good or bad, or something that a nurse should or should not participate it. The ethics can be construed to fit any need necessary, whether it is in favor of the act of euthanasia, which can be argued that by ending a life one is removing the pain. Or it can be argued that by administration of such lethal drugs to carry out the act, one is indeed harming by bringing about death.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A Critical Analysis of the Procurement Policy for a Local Government
Executive Summary This paper analyses the recent changes to the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council and how such changes are comparable to the procurement strategy of Staffordshire County Council. Important parameters of the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council are discussed, such as category management, whole lifecycle approach, skills and capacity of procurement professionals, and openness and transparency. These dimensions are compared to the principles and objectives listed in Staffordshire County Council’s procurement strategy. In addition, the paper provides recommendations to improve procurement practices available at Leeds City Council. Eventually, a tender specification sheet is provided to invite bids from private players to run the woodhouse car park in front of the University. Key performance indicators to evaluate tenders are included. Introduction Leeds City Council has made certain changes to its procurement strategy recently. The council emphasised specific elements indicating the importance placed on ensuring high quality procurement services. Such elements refer to category management, whole lifecycle approach, skills and capacity of procurement professionals, and openness and transparency (Leeds City Council Procurement Strategy 2013). These dimensions are similar to the principles and objectives set in Staffordshire County Council’s procurement strategy. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the recent changes to the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council and how they compare to Staffordshire County Council’s procurement strategy. Leeds City Council’s Procurement Strategy Compared to the Procurement Strategy of Staffordshire County Council Leeds City Council demonstrates a primary objective to improve outcomes and value for money obtained from a wide range of goods and services it purchases. Therefore, the council’s procurement strategy is based on essential principles to include whole lifecycle approach, accountability to the public, openness and transparency (Hawkins et al. 2011). The strategy indicates the council’s concerns to rely on expertise in the field as well as utilise relevant examples of adequate practices maintained at local and national levels. The common expectation presented with the enforcement of the council’s new strategy is to realise its full potential within two years. The council extensively supports not only its ambitions but also the ambitions of its partners in the process of delivering quality outcomes for service users (Leeds City Council Procurement Strategy 2013). A relevant part of Leeds City Council’s procurement strategy is the adoption of a category managem ent approach, where procurement professionals tend to group together related purchasing. Such approach is entirely focused on exploring variances in buying needs and provider offerings (Iyer and Pazgal 2008). In this way, the council is concerned with maintaining high quality of services along with savings. Similarly, the procurement strategy of Staffordshire County Council presents diverse orientation in terms of proper identification of the goods and services purchased by activity and function. Staffordshire County Council also states the importance of achieving value for money. Another recent change to the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council is associated with the adoption of a whole lifecycle approach. It is essential to point out that such approach starts from ongoing evaluation of buying needs as well as analysing different options. In fact, the mentioned approach receives optimal application through careful preparation and procurement (Niezen and Weller 2006). Mobilising the council’s resources is a significant priority to the professionals responsible for the implementation of the procurement strategy. Such principle corresponds to Staffordshire County Council’s strategy of relying on the voice of all people of Staffordshire on specific issues that matter to them (Staffordshire County Council 2014). This shows a strong sense of collaboration with residents and communities in order to identify proper solutions to any emerging problems. Staffordshire County Council places importance on leading and influencing as well as sharing knowl edge with representatives from the public sector in Staffordshire (Kennekae 2012). Early engagement is crucial in maintaining savings and improvements that further reflect in transformational changes in the council’s procurement strategy. The whole lifecycle approach adopted by Leeds City Council regarding its procurement strategy assumes that service delivery should not be compromised. Other significant dimensions of this approach relate to contact management and exit which contribute to achieving extensive value for many. In addition, the recent changes observed in the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council and that of Staffordshire County Council reflect the importance of the skills and capacity of procurement professionals. They are mostly responsible for ensuring the maintenance of a relevant procurement process based on supporting the council’s business continuity needs (Niezen and Weller 2006). The latter is extensively manifested in the procurement strategy of Staffordshire County Council. Procurement professionals structure arrangements with key providers in an attempt to manage the risks pertaining to the process of supplying goods and services. Thus, professionals in the respective field are expected to set high quality processes through cross-functional strategic activities that are evident in both Leeds City Council and Staffordshire County Council (Loppacher et al. 2006). Leeds City Council’s procurement strategy considers the significance of employing common principles a nd rules which are properly designed to correspond to the needs of all included categories. Emphasis is on reflecting the needs of the specific service areas along with stakeholder needs. This recent change in the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council is in line with ensuring quality outcomes (Leeds City Council Procurement Strategy 2013). Such procurement strategy is comparable to the one of Staffordshire County Council due to the process of aligning delivery of goods and services with the corporate needs identified by Staffordshire County Council (Staffordshire County Council 2014). The respective council utilises the expertise of procurement professionals to ensure social values outcomes as well as sufficient savings achieved through a balanced scorecard used for procurement. The focus on the skills and capacity of procurement professionals is among the improved areas of Leeds City Council’s procurement strategy. Having skilled and experienced staff is important in delivering high quality outcomes to local communities. Moreover, Leeds City Council manifests its responsibility to support the development and training of procurement professionals in order to maintain high standards across the profession (Loppacher et al. 2006). There is a solid sense of accountability evident in the practice of each procurement professional working at Leeds City Council. In comparison, Staffordshire County Council emphasises the capacity of its procurement staff in terms of providing legal training packages. This indicates an ongoing process of developing the knowledge and expertise of all professionals involved in the procurement practice (Arora et al. 2007). In this way, procurement professionals can work together with other experts in the field to implement the spe cific objectives listed in the procurement strategy of both Leeds City Council and Staffordshire County Council. One of the observable recent changes in the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council is that the central procurement function is projected to serve as a flexible source of excellence and thus is accountable for providing a substantial source of expertise. Procurement professionals working in Leeds City Council and Staffordshire County Council are extensively trained to demonstrate ownership and accountability to the public in their respective communities (Kennekae 2012). Elements of structured governance and assurance make Leeds City Council’s procurement strategy rather effective. However, the procurement strategy of Staffordshire County Council is oriented towards indicating a ‘customer of choice’ model of delivering services. This implies that procurement professionals working in Staffordshire County Council are responsible for the creation of greater visibility of the council’s requirements for goods, services and provider performance (Staffordshire C ounty Council 2014). Therefore, professionals are determined to ensure proper communications and organising skills that help them in the establishment and implementation of linkage. Similarly, procurement professionals in Leeds City Council are devoted to research good practice documents and toolkits while trying to reinforce their skills and capacity. Furthermore, the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council is comparable to the one of Staffordshire County Council in the aspect of openness and transparency. Both councils indicate an ambition of being open and transparent which reflects in providing visible contracts as well as constantly updated management information (Kim and Netessine 2012). Leeds City Council places importance on presenting clear and accessible tender processes and documentation. Openness and transparency ensure the formation of a positive relationship between the council and its procurement partners. Likewise, such aspects are closely linked with instilling confidence in the public regarding the adopted procurement approach (McLean 2008). In comparison, the procurement strategy implemented by Staffordshire County Council indicates its staff’s commitment to ensure compliance and probity which may be associated with the principles of openness and transparency manifested by Leeds City Council. Recommendations The recent changes to the procurement strategy of Leeds City Council indicate that the respective council’s approach is comparable to the strategy of Staffordshire County Council. Yet certain recommendations are listed below to achieve further improvements in Leeds City Council’s procurement strategy: Procurement professionals should work on creating an inclusive procurement strategy in which smaller providers are presented with an opportunity to participate (McLean 2008); The council should constantly research and update its available procurement tools to guarantee competitively established standards in the field; The council should consider the removal of unnecessary restrictions which would allow the institution to evaluate suppliers in an objective manner rather than focus on limiting business criteria such as revenue (Loppacher et al. 2006); Professionals need to demonstrate sensitivity to financing issues to include established payment policies; It is fundamental to indicate potential hidden costs in terms of providing clear information on the actual insurance, liability as well as regulatory requirements; this practice would allow innovative suppliers to compete (Hawkins et al. 2011) Conclusion The paper indicated an analysis of Leeds City Council’s procurement strategy with special focus on its recent changes and how they are comparable to the procurement strategy outlined by Staffordshire County Council (Leeds City Council Procurement Strategy 2013). Thus, significant aspects of both procurement strategies have been discussed in order to identify the focus of procurement professionals working in the two councils. Certain aspects of the two procurement strategies were found similar especially with regards to category management and lifecycle approach. Moreover, the efforts of procurement professionals are equally important to the work of either Leeds City Council or Staffordshire County Council (Staffordshire County Council 2014). In this way, the paper ensured adequate arguments about the effectiveness of the procurement strategies adopted by these institutions. Tender Specification Sheet Leeds City Council is seeking tenders from various private providers for the maintenance and operation of the woodhouse car park in front of the University. The intention is that the car park will operate as a proper public amenity. There are certain standards of services that will be followed. The respective parking services are set at prices identified at proper market levels. Prices are competitive in order to encourage visitor parking regarding close distance to local businesses. Discouraging the practice of day-long parking is essential for the maintenance of the woodhouse car park. The park will be open 24 hours a day, seven days/ week. Personal security will be ensured to customers and visitors. They need to feel secure in the identified car park area. The integration of area security is a priority to the Council. All tenderers are invited to submit their applications by providing the following documentation: -Financial Proposal for a period of 3 years; -Details on the percentage of the turnover expected to be paid annually to the Council; -Evidence indicating previous experience in the area of car park projects; -Providing details of the resources available to complete the project; In order to evaluate the bids from the private players, it is important to provide a set of key performance indicators that will be consistently used (Iyer and Pazgal 2008). The first performance indicator is that the selected tender should provide the best value for money at reasonable cost. This may result from balancing cost and quality. Another key performance indicator that will be used to assess the bids is that of prequalification. Such indicator is implemented to make sure that only those who meet specific criteria will be considered for inclusion to bid (Loppacher et al. 2006). In addition, prequalification is associated with responses to a set of questions provided by the Council. Major questions should include elements of quality, capacity to supply and financial competence. The indicator of open and flexible communication is fundamental as no private player should be given preference. Even though meetings with tenderers who have placed their bids may be necessary at a cer tain point, they should take place solely for clarifying specific aspects regarding the tender (Hawkins et al. 2011). It is important to use recognised channels of communication in order to avoid confusion of private players or any misunderstanding of presented information. References Arora, P., Garg, A. K. and Vaidya, S. C. (2007), ‘Efficacy of Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility and Procurement Strategy’, South Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 14(1) pp105-119 Hawkins, T., Gravier, M. and Powley, E. (2011), ‘Public versus Private Sector Procurement Ethics and Strategy: What Each Sector Can Learn from the Other’, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 103(4) pp567-586 Iyer, G. and Pazgal, A. (2008), ‘Procurement Bidding with Restrictions’, Quantitative Marketing & Economics, Vol. 6(2) pp177-204 Kennekae, L. (2012), ‘Procurement Strategies to Serve the Public Good,’ International Trade Forum, 2 pp11-111 Kim, S. H. and Netessine, S. (2011), ‘Collaborative Cost Reduction and Component Procurement under Information Asymmetry’, INSEAD Working Papers Collections, 33 pp1-40 Leeds City Council Procurement Strategy (2013), Leeds City Council [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 29 April 2014]. Loppacher, J. S., Luchi, R., Cagliano, R. and Spina, G. (2006), ‘Global Sourcing and Procurement Strategy: A Model of Interrelated Decisions’, Supply Chain Forum: International Journal, Vol. 7(1) pp34-46 McLean, S. (2008), ‘Choice in Government Software Procurement: A Winning Strategy’, Journal of Public Procurement, Vol.8(1) pp70-97 Niezen, C. and Weller, W. (2006), ‘Procurement as Strategy’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 84(9) pp22-24 Staffordshire County Council (2014), Staffordshire Procurement [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 29 April 2014].
Friday, January 10, 2020
Importance of Literature Essay
Literature reminds us of stories, epics, sacred scriptures and classical works of the ancient and modern times. Literature is defined as the body of written works of a language, period or culture, produced by scholars and researchers, specialized in a given field. Why is literature important? Let us see. As stated in the quotation by C. S. Lewis, literature not only describes reality but also adds to it. Yes, literature is not merely a depiction of reality; it is rather a value-addition. Literary works are portrayals of the thinking patterns and social norms prevalent in society. They are a depiction of the different facets of common man’s life. Classical literary works serve as a food for thought and a tonic for imagination and creativity. Exposing an individual to good literary works, is equivalent to providing him/her with the finest of educational opportunities. On the other hand, the lack of exposure to classic literary works is equal to depriving an individual from an opportunity to grow as an individual. Prose, poetry, drama, essays, fiction, literary works based on philosophy, art, history, religion, and culture and also scientific and legal writings are grouped under the category of literature. Creative nonfiction of the ancient times and literary journalism also fall under literature. Certain extremely technical writings such as those on logistics and mathematics are also believed to be a part of literature. Some of the great literary works like the Bible and Indian epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata, among others, provide society with the guiding principles of life. Ancient poetic works by poets like Homer, Plato, Sappho, Horace and Virgil, Shakespeare’s sonnets and notable poetry by W. B. Yeats, John Keats, Wordsworth, Tennyson and William Blake are timeless. The Lord of the Rings, The Godfather, A Tale of Two Cities, James Bond series are some of the best-selling books of all time. The Adventures of Pinocchio, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Winnie-the-Pooh were some of the greatest works in children’s literature. The relatively recent Harry Potter series made record sales across the globe and carved a niche for J. K. Rowling. However, a discussion about children’s authors would be incomplete without the mention of all-time popular authors like Aesop, Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and Mark Twain. It is through reading such great literary and poetic works, that one understands life. They help a person take a closer look at the different facets of life. In many ways, it can change one’s perspective towards life. Lives of brilliant achievers and individuals who have made a valuable contribution to society, are sketched in their biographies. These works give the readers an insight into the lives of these eminent people, while also serving as a bible of ideals. Literature serves as an enormous information base. Research works by famous inventors and literary works by notable scientists often narrate stories of their groundbreaking discoveries and inferences. Ongoing developments in the fields of science and technology are documented so that the world can know about them. Several ancient scriptures relating stories of human evolution and narratives of human life in those times, have been of tremendous help to mankind. Thus, literature has always served as an authentic source of information from all around the world. True, languages are the building blocks of literature. But the study of literature cannot be restricted to only studying languages. In fact, literature cannot be confined to an educational curriculum. A degree in language and literature is perhaps unable to provide one, with everything that literature can offer. Literature, is definitely, much more than its literary meaning, which defines it as ‘an acquaintance to letters’. It, in fact, lays the foundation of an enriched life; it adds ‘life’ to ‘living’ Literature is also a mode to express public opinion in variety of genres. It is also a part of tradition, one we pass on to our future generation. It tells us of our rich culture and gives us a sense of pride in our country. Literature is the lighthouse of any culture and to know any culture better we must know its literature as it gives us a true picture of the culture and its development. The extant remains of the literary texts of earlier civilizations throw light on our past and gauge our development. Literature enriches the mind and reading as they say makes a man perfect. Today there are books available on a variety of subjects, books meant for education, books meant for entertainment and books meant for self- development. There is a book for each one`s choice. All said and done, literary enlightenment of a society is the true measure of its development and progress and India is a land with a rich literary heritage and one that people all over the world look up to for guidance. | Art is an extremely private experience, yet, it is meant to be shared with the public. Society, as a whole, examines the art produced and has the right to approve, disapprove, acknowledge, ignore, praise and abuse it. The public or society has not remained constant over the years. In the time of the Renaissance, for example, only a select few were â€Å"society. †They commissioned art, were patrons of the arts and their artists. Today, almost anyone can share in the experience of art. They can attempt to create, view and act as a critic. Does art make the world a better place, or is it quite useless? This is a very ancient riddle, and no one has solved it yet. A similar question – has art truly had any impact upon society? Has it fashioned or molded minds? Has it shaped opinions and altered how people feel or think? Is it practicable in or relevant to society and its individuals’ daily lives? Art reflects life. It is a portrait of history, whether it is history of the current moment or an event in the past or something of the imagination. Art has captured an event, clarifying its existence and representation to society. The portraits of the French Revolution by David, Benjamin West’s portrayal of the death of General Wolfe and Poussin’s recreation of the Rape of the Sabine Women all strive to provide a version of historical events. Society, in turn, can accept or reject these portrayals of true events. Sometimes, as in the case of Goya’s depiction of the French behavior during their conquest of Spain, art inspires a deep hatred of a certain nationality. |
Thursday, January 2, 2020
French Pluperfect or Past Subjunctive Tense
The French pluperfect subjunctive is the least common literary tense - its the literary equivalent of the past subjunctive.Like all literary tenses, the pluperfect subjunctive is used only in literature, historical writings, and other very formal writing, so it is important to be able to recognize it but chances are that you will never in your life need to conjugate it.The pluperfect subjunctive has an identical twin, the second form of the conditional perfect, which is used in literary si clauses. The French pluperfect subjunctive is a compound conjugation, which means it has two parts: imperfect subjunctive of the auxiliary verb (either avoir or à ªtre)past participle of the main verb Note: Like all French compound conjugations, the pluperfect subjunctive may be subject to grammatical agreement: When the auxiliary verb is à ªtre, the past participle must agree with the subjectWhen the auxiliary verb is avoir, the past participle may have to agree with its direct object French Pluperfect Subjunctive Conjugations AIMER (auxiliary verb is avoir) j eusse aim nous eussions aim tu eusses aim vous eussiez aim il,elle et aim ils,elles eussent aim DEVENIR (à ªtre verb) je fusse devenu(e) nous fussions devenu(e)s tu fusses devenu(e) vous fussiez devenu(e)(s) il ft devenu ils fussent devenus elle ft devenue elles fussent devenues SE LAVER (pronominal verb) je me fusse lav(e) nous nous fussions lav(e)s tu te fusses lav(e) vous vous fussiez lav(e)(s) il se ft lav ils se fussent lavs elle se ft lave elles se fussent laves
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