Wednesday, December 25, 2019
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section 10 Essay
In Hume’s 1748 publication: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding , Section 10 is titled Of Miracles. This section is an extended argument against the veracity of miracles. In response to Hume, Richard Price published Four Dissertations in 1768. In Dissertation IV, The Importance of Christianity, the Nature of Historical Evidence and Miracles, Price outlines a Bayesian argument against Hume’s conclusions that miracles cannot ever occur. My thesis is that Price’s Bayesian argument, arguably the first use of Bayes’ Theorem to challenge another published argument fails. It fails on three fronts: it mischaracterizes Hume’s argument as non-conditional; it improperly employs a Bayesian model test case of newspaper reporting; and it does not consider the effects of the preliminary seeding of probabilities for its Bayesian model of miracles. 1.0 Hume’s Argument Against Miracles Hume’s argument is multi-faceted but most commentators (Millican, Earman) agree that the key summary occurs in paragraph 13. The plain consequence is (and ‘tis a general maxim worthy of our attention) â€Å"That no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous, than the fact, which it endeavours to establish†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (E 10.13) This first quote establishes a simple probability model of a miracle occurring (Miracle Happening: MH) given a true testimony about that event (True Testimony: TT) and Hume argues that it must be greaterShow MoreRelatedWhat Is The Problem Of Freewill?1495 Words  | 6 Pagesprovides us with a compelling argument for determinism. Though a libertarian, Richard Taylor justifies the stance that humans assume universal causation without realising. In â€Å"Freedom and Determinism†in Metaphysics, he gives the example of a person who hears a sudden noise and instantly tries to find the cause. This illustrates the fact that recurring experience of causation means that humans have taken the law of cause and effect as a fundamental belief that is objectively true. If we find an event thatRead More Humes Wide Construal of the Virtues Essay3865 Words  | 16 Pagesat around seventy, with the more untraditional ones including wit, good manners, and dialog. Unsurprisingly, Humes crit ics have attacked him for making nonsense of the concept of virtue by construing it so widely. Hume was aware that his broad understanding of virtue was controversial and he offered several defenses for it. After presenting the neglected attacks of his contemporaries along with Humes response, I argue that a problem remains: by failing to distinguish between degrees of virtue, HumeRead MoreDavid Humes Argument Against Belief in the Existence of Miracles2000 Words  | 8 Pagesknowledge comes through the senses. He argued against the existence of innate ideas, stating that humans have knowledge only of things which they directly experience. These claims have a major impact on his argument against the existence of miracles, and in this essay I will explain and critically evaluate this argument. In his discussion Of Miracles in Section X of An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Hume defines a miracle as â€Å"a violation of the laws of nature and as a firm and unalterableRead MoreThe Foundations Of Rationalism By Plato1762 Words  | 8 Pagestoday a prominent global force manifested in religion, too, holds a function in logical enquiry. Faith is to hold a conviction void of actual evidence, yet Reason needs faith in order to function, it is faith that is linked to the imagination and hypothesis for enquiry. Humans are not machines, which can function on reason alone, and thus, to eradicate faith would be to eradicate a evolutionary flaw in the human makeup. Faith, akin to love in this way, makes individuals happy. In Plato’s dialoguesRead MoreLabour Relations8410 Words  | 34 Pages COSATU†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 1.8.2) FEDUSA†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 1.8.3) NACTU†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......... 11 2.) Qualities of a Good Negotiator†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......... 12 2.1) Characteristics of a Negotiator†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 14 3.) Workplace Forums†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......... 17 3.1) The Current Position†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 18 4.) Procedural Aspects during a disciplinary enquiry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.... 20 4.1) Adequate Notice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 21 4.2) The enquiry must precede the decision†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreTorture and Custodial Violence in Prisons12554 Words  | 51 PagesNational Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, India Project Report On â€Å" Torture and Custodial Violence in Prisons â€Å" Submitted By- Yashwardhan Pratap Singh 1st year, B.A.LLB Course, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana. Report on - The Custodial Violence and Torture In Prisons: Can it be justified even if done for a greater good? Where to draw the line between the autonomy of the police and the rights of the prisoners ? Basic StructureRead MoreIti Industrial Training Report16491 Words  | 66 PagesNation’s first Electronic Switching Systems Production Unit. The Unit is situated in the Industrial corridors of Coimbatore and Kochi (Kanjikode) in the NH-47 and only 10 Km from Palakkad Town. The Unit went into production in 1976 with a meager overall investment of Rs.26 Lakhs for producing 10,500 lines of small electronic exchanges of 10 to 50 Lines capacity. In 1980, the Unit was expanded with an investment of Rs.98 lakhs, to produce 60,000 lines of medium size electronic exchanges of 200 lines capacityRead MorePerformance Appraisal in an Nhs Hospital.2826 Words  | 12 PagesRedman, T. et al.,2000.Performance Appraisal in an NHS hospital.Human Resource Management Journal, 10(1), 48-62 In this paper it will be argued that performance appraisal in National Health Service hospital is effective from the perspective of appraises. Author of the article used a case study of performance appraisal practice in a Trust Hospital. The argument will be developed through a critical review of ‘performance appraisal in NHS Hospital’ article, discussing its conceptual bases, researchRead MoreProject on Settlement of Grievance8309 Words  | 34 Pagestheir administration in prescribed dozes does not cause any side effects to the patients.Ayurveda gives a complete look into the lifestyle of a person, like starting from his/herpersonality to the daily food habits. The Science of Life helps us in understanding each individual at a very subtle personal level and giving a detailed description about the diet, daily routine, lifestyle, actions and activities to be followed. The science teaches how to live life in a balance way. Ayurveda aims at having aRead MoreDeveloping a framework for critiquing health research5723 Words  | 23 Pagesâ€Å"health research includes any study addressing understandings of human health, health behaviour or health services, whatever the disciplinary starting point†(p5). They further suggest that health research may expand knowledge of society and health, or address an existing health care problem. Undergraduates of health related studies therefore have to consider health research in its broadest sense. A common method of assessing understanding both of the subject area and the research methodologies
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Sonnys Blues Essay - 1757 Words
The story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†By James Baldwin is about a jazz musician and his brother in 1950’s Harlem. The story centers on Sonny who uses jazz music as an escape from his depression. James Baldwin captures the art of jazz during this time period. The themes in this short story are perhaps varied, but all of them revolve around some form of suffering. One theme shows how music can promote change and understanding within relationships. A second theme reveals suffering caused by guilt. Yet another theme references the results of suffering brought about by searching for ones’ identity and how that leads to misunderstanding. There are also subthemes concerning racism and poverty. James Baldwin was born in 1924 in Harlem, New York to†¦show more content†¦(Teaching Arts) One of Baldwin’s beliefs was that art and music has the power to minimize suffering. Sonny uses bebop to express his emotions on his up-bringing and where he came from. The narrator, Sonny’s brother, and Sonny grew up in the projects of Harlem and were exposed to drugs and alcohol. They both feel darkness in their lives. Sonny became addicted to heroin and went to jail. Once out of jail, Sonny uses bebop music to make sense of his emotions instead of the heroin. Sonny’s brother does not understand his passion for music but does not know how to express his feelings of being â€Å"trapped in the darkness which roared outside.†(Baldwin 84) When Sonny was a teenager, he tells his brother he wants to be a jazz musician. The narrator does not think it is good enough for him because jazz was new and was not yet understood. The narrator goes to a club to watch Sonny and his band play. He begins to understand how deeply his brother feels and thinks, â€Å"I had never before thought of how awful the relationship must be between the musician and his instrument. He has to fill it, this instrument with the breath of life, his own.†(Baldwin 102) The music gives Sonny a chance to release his hopelessness and depression. Even though the narrator believes Sonny could have done more with his life if he had turned to classical music, he understands that Sonny is being true to who he really is. The anonymous brother, however, has not foundShow MoreRelatedSonnys Blues1514 Words  | 7 PagesHow does Baldwins real-life experience connect to his short story, Sonnys Blues? The writer was a poor boy growing up. He was also a Negro, so things were bad for him and his family in white America. He probably felt sad every day of his childhood so he turned to books for entertainment and maybe escape. When he started reading, he found that he liked it and wanted to create stories for other people to enjoy, but he was a poor Negro boy who could not expect help from the whites, so he taughtRead MoreSonnys Blues in Harlem896 Words  | 4 Pagesus have to struggle to make ends meet and others are born with money at their feet already. â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†opens up in Harlem with the narrator on a bus reading a newspaper learning that his brother, Sonny, has been arrested for selling heroin. Sonny’s brother takes him in after he is released from jail. However, his brother is scared if he lets him back into his home he will fall into his old ways. Sonny’s true passion in life is to become a Jazz musician but his family doesn’ t believe in what heRead MoreSonnys Blues Essay989 Words  | 4 Pages In James Baldwins, Sonnys Blues, the title itself is symbolic of the blues in the matrix of the African-American culture of music and suffering. To understand the significance of the blues, one must first define the blues, where the blues originated, and how it is related to suffering and how it is communicated in music. The American Heritage Dictionary defines blues as (1) a state of depression or melancholy, and (2) a style of jazz evolved from southern American Negro secular songs. ItRead MoreSonnys Blues1264 Words  | 6 PagesSonny s Blues A captivating tale of a relationship between two troubling brothers in Harlem, Sonny s Blues is told from the perception of Sonny s brother, whose name is never mentioned. Baldwin s choice of Sonny s brother as a narrator is what makes Sonny s Blues significant in terms of illustrating the relationship and emotional complications of Sonny and his brother. The significance of Sonny s Blues lies in the way Sonny s brother describes their relationship based on what heRead MoreJames Baldwins Sonnys Blues1418 Words  | 6 Pageselaborately broadcasted and exhibited greatly in his short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†. First circulated in the late fifties and then again in the mid-sixties, Sonnys Blues explains Baldwin’s reasons for his famous arguments in the arena of Black freedom, while also providing a visual bonding of his work across multiple genres, with the ways and understandings of the urban Black community. The essential and gradual progression of â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†symbolizes the measured adaptation of the narrators perceptionRead More Comparing the Blues in Hughes The Blues Im Playing and Baldwins Sonnys Blues625 Words  | 3 Pages The Blues: in Hughes The Blues Im Playing and Baldwins Sonnys Bluesnbsp;nbsp; In Langston Hughes The Blues Im Playing, the blues are the source of Oceolas life and her choices. Langston is trying to illustrate the conflict between life and art. The art in this story is represented in a confined manner, as a disciplined career with a white woman acting as the overseer in the young ladys life. Art to Oceola, with its profit, convenience and privileges offers an array of benefits, butRead MoreSonnys Blues by James Baldwin Essay775 Words  | 4 PagesSonnys Blues If you were not able to talk to anyone, nor did people want to listen to what you have to say, would that affect you? In the short story, Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin, Baldwin writes about two brothers, Sonny and the narrator, who lose communication between one another because Sonny goes to prison. The narrator, having to make a promise to their mother before her death, was to take care and watch over his young brother Sonny no matter what. This turned out not to be theRead MoreEssay about Sonnys Heroic Journey in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues2971 Words  | 12 Pagesof Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin focuses on whether a person should be conventional in making decisions for their life, or if they should follow their heart and do what is right for them. A person begins with strengths, many of which they lose along the way. At some point along their heroic journey a person may regain their strengths and develop new ones. Each phase of this journey will have an effect on them and o thers around them. According to his brother, who narrates Sonnys Blues, SonnyRead More Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin Essay1228 Words  | 5 PagesSonnys Blues by James Baldwin A captivating tale of a relationship between two troubling brothers in Harlem, Sonnys Blues is told from the perception of Sonnys brother, whose name is never mentioned. Baldwins choice of Sonnys brother as a narrator is what makes Sonnys Blues significant in terms of illustrating the relationship and emotional complications of Sonny and his brother. The significance of Sonnys Blues lies in the way Sonnys brother describes their relationship based onRead MoreDrugs and Musicians in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†by James Baldwin Essay840 Words  | 4 PagesWhen first reading â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†by James Baldwin, it may initially seem that the relationship between musicians and drugs is synonymous. Public opinion suggests that musicians and drugs go hand and hand. The possibility lies that Sonny’s passion for jazz music is the underlying reason for his drug use, or even the world of jazz music itself brought drugs into Sonny’s life. The last stateme nt is what the narrator believes to be true. However, by delving deeper and examining the theme of music in
Monday, December 9, 2019
Headspace and Their ‘My Health Record’ System †
Question: Discuss about the Headspace and Their My Health Record System. Answer: Introduction Headspace works with the youth who suffer from mental ill health (Jorm, 2015). Headspace has decided to introduce My Health record system to enhance their service to the youth who are experiencing mental ill health. This report will highlight the capabilities and benefits of My Health Record. The Systems Analyst of the newly proposed My Health Record has been given the responsibility to analyse its benefit and capabilities and prepare a Vision document. Problems experienced by patients and My Health record approach The objective of My Health record is to provide help to the youth who are experiencing mental ill health that is depression. The patients in Headspace consult case worker first, then medical staff, then General Practitioner and then discuss their problems to each of them (Rickwood et al., 2014). Sometimes they feel shy, feel uncomfortable, and feel tired to repeat the problems every time. For this reason, they clam up and remain dead silent. They even miss the important points, that is why the case workers, the medical staffs, general practitioner often get misguided. My Health record will solve this problem (Jorm, 2015). The newly proposed system will enable the patients to record their problems once and the patients will not have to explain their problems to case workers, medical staffs, and general practitioner separately in future. Capabilities of My Health Record A young person with mental distress and mental health suffers a lot while consulting various professionals for the same problem, now with the advent of My Health Record the problem can be solved (Mazzer et al., 2015). There they have to explain their problems once for all in details and their problem will be recorded in the database. The primary capability it offers is that both the patients and doctors can connect with each other 24x7 all throughout day and night, this will certainly reduce the stress that the patients suffering from mental ill health issues (Rickwood et al., 2014). These types of patients always suffer from stress, anxiety and face difficulties in handling day-to-day life simple situations, so they need constant help and support from the closed ones and doctors and the ones who can better understand them. My Health Record can keep track of the daily health report of the patients, these will not only assist the doctors to understand their patients better but also help them in solving personal problems (Jorm, 2015). The patients can quickly recover from the mental distress and thus the chance of suicide will be definitely reduced. Benefits of My Health Record The new My Health Record system will store the patients valuable information in the database along with date and time. Therefore, the patients will have to register with the My Health record system of Headspace first and then can consult Headspace medical team (Hemsley et al., 2016). There they have to explain their problems in details and their problem will be recorded in the database. These data can be viewed and can be accessed online by the patients as well as the medical representatives of Headspace. Thus the medical staffs and the general practitioner can get a glimpse of patients and can diagnose in details. After diagnosing, the reports will be uploaded for the online view, so the patients can view the test results both online and offline. The patient can even consult the doctor online and offline for further consultation. Whenever the patients will revisit Headspace for re-check up, they will not have to consult multiple staffs, again the medical staffs will identify the patients very easily simply by searching the database (Walsh et al., 2017). After recheck up the results will be uploaded to the database. In this way, both the patients and the doctors can acknowledge whether the patients are recovering or not by simply comparing the diagnosing test results. The My Health Record will assist the patients to access the test results anytime anywhere and they will not have to carry hard copies with them. The My Health Record thus can save many patients who are suffering mental illness; via the My Health Record the patients can stay connected with the doctors or medical representatives all the time 24x7, this can certainly improve the mental health and can lessen the chance of suicide (Nazi, 2013). This system will keep track of those patients who are suffering from mental ill health and thus Headspace can count the number of patients suffering from mental ill health in a year. Headspace can even understand their patients better via this proposed My Health Record system (Walsh et al., 2017). Therefore, it can be said that both the patients and the doctors can be benefitted from the system. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discourse that young patients suffer from mental ill health and anxiety have to consult multiple professionals, My Health Record can definitely root out this problem. The capabilities and the benefits have been well explained in the report. A Systems Analyst must be pleased seeing the benefits that My Health Record can bring it in Headspace. My Health Record can definitely help to reduce depression and the chance of suicide. References Hemsley, B., Georgiou, A., Carter, R., Hill, S., Higgins, I., van Vliet, P., Balandin, S. (2016). Use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia: A review to inform the design and direction of future research. Health Information Management Journal, 45(3), 107-115. Jorm, A. F. (2015). How effective are headspaceyouth mental health services. Aust NZJ Psychiatry, 49(10), 861-2. Mazzer, K. R., Rickwood, D. J., Telford, N. R., Parker, A. G., Tanti, C. J., McGorry, P. D. (2015). Changes in psychological distress and psychosocial functioning in young people visiting headspace centres for mental health problems. The Medical Journal of Australia, 202(10), 537-542. Nazi, K. M. (2013). The personal health record paradox: health care professionals perspectives and the information ecology of personal health record systems in organizational and clinical settings. Journal of medical Internet research, 15(4). Rickwood, D. J., Telford, N. R., Parker, A. G., Tanti, C. J., McGorry, P. D. (2014). headspaceAustralias innovation in youth mental health: who are the clients and why are they presenting?. The Medical Journal of Australia, 200(2), 108-111. Walsh, L., Hill, S., Allan, M., Balandin, S., Georgiou, A., Higgins, I., ... Hemsley, B. (2017). A content analysis of the consumer-facing online information about My Health Record: Implications for increasing knowledge and awareness to facilitate uptake and use. Health Information Management Journal, 1833358317712200.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Researchers Ethical Failures
Reflection The importance of ethics in research has caused many professional associations, government agencies, and research dependent institutions to come up with strict standards in fostering an ethical practice among members and affiliates. These are extensions to legal rules governing behavior and ethical norms.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Researchers’ Ethical Failures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethical actions can be legal or they can be illegal. When looking at an ethics problem, it is often necessary to pick a perspective that will help in the comprehension of the problem. Perspectives can be ecological, political, economic, or ethical. In research, norms play a crucial role in defining and safeguarding ethical practices. They endorse the objectives of research, which can include verity and avoidance of error. Research should stay clear of fabricated processes and results. It must be pro ne to moral conflicting circumstances because it is a process of cooperation and coordination with various people. Consequently, proper research that adheres to ethical standards must be fair, mutually respect researchers and participants, as well as practitioners, and show accountability (Hartman DesJardins, 2014). Three ethical failures Soutphommasane (2014) gives an example of a research that aimed to evaluate the teachings of empathy in a medical school. The research was replicating conditions observed in America, in a group of participants in Britain. Conducted in 2009, the study wanted to see how students react when they are subject to discrimination. However, for it to work, it demanded that participants assume certain stereotypical, racial norms, such as viewing all white people as racist. There was uproar among participants. Many objected to the identification of people against their identities or their personal preferences. Many of the participants expressed concern that the researchers were exceeding the limits of moral inquiry. The value of the experiment was dismissed on ethical grounds. It was not appropriate for the researchers to subject participants to actual feelings of racism, as either victims or perpetrators.Advertising Looking for article on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It caused the research subjects to do something against their will, thus the research failed to move past the data collection exercise. A second example of ethical failure by researchers comes from a report by Tabor (2014) about a nurse who coached people to die. First, researchers must understand that life is sacred and there is an ongoing debate on the morality of assisted death. In this case, Judith Schwarz, who was a veteran nurse, researched on what patients had done to end their lives and then made unsolicited experiments on the method of providing alternative ways to die. Her patients trusted he r by the virtue of being a veteran nurse. However, the patients did not know that they were subjects of an ongoing research that the nurse was doing on voluntary death by starvation. Here, the nurse provided an essential service of assisted death to needy patients, but she crossed the line held by many practitioners on the morality of assisted death. Interestingly, the practice was a product of a dissertation on self-dehydration that she had conducted. The problem is that some patients are diagnosed with terminal illness, but they have years to live and there is no apparent body governing the procedures of the research. A third example is by Cressey (2013), who reports about the exposure of hundreds of patients to potential harm as they take part in clinical trials. Researchers working on treatment trials release the findings, but only those that support a given treatment are supported and published. Consequently, many research papers can demonstrate the failures of trial medication s, but they do not feature anywhere for future researchers to consult. The report by Cressey (2013) refers to the problem as a failure to honor the ethical contract. Patients have a right to know that there are potential dangers in their use of unconfirmed medications. One ethical obligation of researchers is to publish their findings so that participants are aware of what took place during the study and why it took place. Failure to release findings is akin to robbing the study’s utility that those who joined were hoping to gain.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Researchers’ Ethical Failures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Cressey, D. (2013). ‘Ethical failure’ leaves one-quarter of all clinical trials unpublished. Web. Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. (2014). Business ethics, decision-making for personal integrity and social responsibility (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw H ill. Soutphommasane, T. (2014). Walk in another’s shoes? Reflections on empathy power and priviledge. ABC. Web. Tabor, N. (2014). The nurse coaching people through death by starvation. The Daily Beast. Web. This article on Researchers’ Ethical Failures was written and submitted by user Allison H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Biography of Ken Mattingly, Apollo and Shuttle Astronaut
Biography of Ken Mattingly, Apollo and Shuttle Astronaut NASA Astronaut Thomas Kenneth Mattingly II was born in Illinois on March 17, 1936, and raised in Florida. He attended Auburn University, where he earned a degree in aeronautical engineering. Mattingly joined the United States Navy in 1958 and earned his aviator wings flying from aircraft carriers until 1963. He attended Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School and was selected as an astronaut in 1966. Mattingly Goes to the Moon Mattinglys first flight to space was aboard the Apollo 16 mission, on April 16, 1972, of which he served as commander. But this wasnt supposed to be his first Apollo mission. Mattingly was originally been scheduled to fly aboard the ill-fated Apollo 13 but was swapped out at the last minute with Jack Swigert after being exposed to measles. Later, when the mission was aborted due to an explosion in a fuel tank, Mattingly was one of the ground crew who worked around the clock to devise a fix that would save the Apollo 13 astronauts and bring them back safely to Earth. Mattinglys lunar trip was the next-to-last crewed moon mission, and during that time, his crewmates John Young and Charles Duke landed in the lunar highlands for a geology expedition to extend our knowledge of the surface. One unexpected part of the mission became a legend among the astronauts. On the way to the Moon, Mattingly lost his wedding ring somewhere in the spacecraft. In the weightless environment, it simply floated away after he took it off. He spent most of the mission desperately searching for it, even during the hours that Duke and Young were on the surface. All to no avail, until, during a spacewalk on the way home, Mattingly caught sight of the ring floating out to space through the open capsule door. Eventually, it smacked into Charlie Dukes head (who was busy working on the experiment and didnt know it was there). Fortunately, it took a lucky bounce and rebounded back to the spacecraft, where Mattingly was able to catch it and safely return it to his finger. The mission lasted from April 16-27 and resulted in new mapping data of the Moon as well as information from 26 different experiments conducted, in addition to the ring rescue. Career Highlights at NASA Prior to his Apollo missions, Mattingly was part of the support crew for the Apollo 8 mission, which was a precursor to the Moon landings. He also trained as backup command pilot for Apollo 11 landing mission before being assigned to Apollo 13. When the explosion occurred on the spacecraft on its way to the Moon, Mattingly worked with all the teams to come up with solutions for the problems faced by the astronauts onboard. He and others drew on their experiences in simulators, where the training crews were confronted with different disaster scenarios. They improvised solutions based on that training to come up with a way to save the crew and develop a carbon dioxide filter to clear their atmosphere during the trip back home. (Many people know of this mission thanks to the movie of the same name.) Once Apollo 13 was safely home, Mattingly stepped into a management role for the upcoming space shuttle program and began training for his flight aboard Apollo 16. After the Apollo era, Mattingly flew aboard the fourth flight of the first space shuttle, Columbia. It was launched on June 27, 1982, and he was the commander for the trip. He was joined by Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr. as the pilot. The two men studied the effects of temperature extremes on their orbiter and operated a number of science experiments installed in the cabin and payload bay. The mission was successful, despite the need for a quick in-flight repair of a so-called Getaway Special experiment, and landed on July 4, 1982. The next and last mission Mattingly flew for NASA was aboard Discovery in 1985. It was the first classified mission flown for the Department of Defense, from which a secret payload was launched. For his Apollo work, Mattingly was awarded a NASA Distinguished Service Medal in 1972. During his career at the agency, he logged 504 hours in space, which includes 73 minutes of extravehicular activity. Post-NASA Ken Mattingly retired from the agency in 1985 and from the Navy the following year, with the rank of rear admiral. He began working at Grumman on the companys space station support programs before becoming Chairman of Universal Space Network. He next took a job with General Dynamics working on Atlas rockets. Eventually, he left that company to work for Lockheed Martin with a focus on the X-33 program. His latest job has been with Systems Planning and Analysis, a defense contractor in Virgina and San Diego. He has received multiple awards for his work, which range from NASA medals to Department of Defense-related service medals. He is honored with an entry at New Mexicos International Space Hall of Fame in Alamogordo.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
CTY SAT Score Requirements
CTY SAT Score Requirements SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’ve decided that you want to take part in the Center for Talented Youth (CTY)at Johns Hopkins University. Good for you!Having made this decision, however, you probably have some questions about test score requirements.Do you have to take the SAT to apply for CTY or its programs? What does taking the SAT qualify you for, and how well do you have to do on it? I’ll answer all these questions, and even manage to squeeze in an example from Shakespeare, if you’ll just read on.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Business - Essay Example It has taken a second modern wave migration. All factors that surround change are shifting from their extreme form of obsolesce to the new design accompanied by innovation. This new wave will tend to make the stronger companies get more strength and remain at the top whereas the weak companies will have to maintain their weakness. The trend will also create zones that are non-profitable for specific companies and even entire industry (Slywotzky, 2006:4). The high growth zones that are evident in most of the countries have a high representation for risk as well as opportunity. The greatest risk associated with this is that, entrepreneurs want to create ultra low zones that would cater only for the market basement. The globalized society is more of a jungle than an allowing environment. It is forcing the persons to apply more brainpower than they used to, simply in order to keep abreast with the new market demands. The managers and the promoters of the specific companies will be compel led to face more competition than before and increased combination of risks. This will make the future market more vulnerable to effects of price movements, accelerated by unpredictable demands in the market (Arnold, 2008:187). However, the answers of the globalization and their effects will depend on economic revolution predicted in the world. The whole phenomenon of globalization has taken roots in the world and has been received with criticism by different players. More often that not, people emphasize on single of the trend and overlook the other. There are many controversies surrounding the emerging and persistence of globalization, which I wish to handle. For instance, does the rise in international relation pose a threat to the quality of life? What is the long-term effect of the globalization trend on the environment? These and many more have moved me, and that is why I have chosen to do this paper on globalization to clarify it . Globalization has resulted to stunning growt h in the revenues of specific businesses, increased their net income and the operating margin of investors. Let us first consider the Infosys international company based in Bangalore in India. This company has substantially grown because of the global design, facilitated by the IT differences in the US and India. The company has continually been moving higher in the success ladder by tactically adding a higher value business in the outsourcing process (Lamb, 2011:345). Globalization trend is strengthening many businesses through global outsourcing and market science. It has invented the customer’s connection in the chain of information. It has also introduced superior information chains that that add value to the combined application system and culture. Globalization has forced producers to improve the quality of their services to attain the global market standards. The companies have also expanded their scale of production to cater for the rapidly growing market demands. How ever, the art of globalization has not favored the largely populated countries like china, India, and Brazil. Despite the growing markets of these countries, the will remain relatively low. Majority of the persons in these countries earn less than two US dollars per day. The new wave of globalization has the flow of value from the obsolete business to the most economically effective forms. For example, in the automobile industry
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Design an evaluation scheme for the Heart of Hackney regeneration Essay
Design an evaluation scheme for the Heart of Hackney regeneration project - Essay Example Hackney becomes a prime business location targeting a low carbon economy and innovative high value manufacturing (Hackney, 2010). It also believed that the developments in the housing stock, schools and public realm make Hackney an attractive location to live in, visit and work at. This paper will proceed to provide an evaluation scheme for the Heart of Hackney regeneration project. The Heart of Hackney regeneration project is a major undertaking not only for the borough but as a national initiative to address urban degradation. The 2012 Summer Olympics became a good excuse to prioritize East London as problems about urban sprawl become international in significance due to global warming and growing integration of cultures. In addressing the objectives and implicit theory of change by the Heart of hackney regeneration project, it is imperative to dig through its economic goals, the underlying factor for all growth aspirations. In the consultation draft (Hackney, 2010), the Hackney Council set the Economic Development Strategy. It acknowledged the opportunity that the borough has at the moment which it also needs to seize in order to fit as â€Å"an engine for London’s renewed economic growth,†(Hackney 2010, p 2). In general, the EDS objective is to help shape the local economic direction in order to provide long-term prosperity for the residents. The Council acknowledged that despite the recent employment growth in Hackney placing it just one percent below the London average did not spell the ideal as the borough still is considered the second most deprived in England due to long-term unemployment. Specifically, the program is currently focused on its Ways into Work program. A mentioned in the report, Hackney is providing interventions to out-of-school youths and unemployed individuals in the form of volunteerism, training, temporary employment, and other means to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A Long Long Sleep Review Essay Example for Free
A Long Long Sleep Review Essay 1. A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan 2. The book was first published in 2011 in the United States 3. Discussion of the plot a. The story takes place in the ComUnity 62 years after the main character is â€Å"stassed†. b. The protagonist of the story is Rose Fitzroy, who was awakened after 62 years in stass. c. Rose was the heir of the wealthiest family in the world. However, she was put in stass by her parents for 62 years until she was discovered. Desperate of losing her parents, her first love, her friends and everything once belonged to her, Rose tries to put her past behind her and adapt to her new world. d. Rose is the target of reporters and her surroundings when she first starts her new life. The students at school try to avoid her and treat her as if she was a ghost. She is rejected by Bren, the one who found her and woke her up by a kiss. Every night, she suffers the nightmare of her past life and the fear of losing her new life again. Most importantly, she is the target of a robot assassin, which was programed by her own parents in order to â€Å"keep her safe†. e. As the robot trying to kill Rose, she also finds out that Bren’s grandfather, who arranged everything for Rose since the day she was found, is Xavier, her long lost love. She is shock and sinks into a sea of thoughts. When she is talking to Otto about what has happened, the robot finds her and she just gives up. On the way to the robot station, she is technically dying because of all the pain, but still manages to think about her past, what her parents had done to her and her family, her present, who she really is and the people around her including Xavier, and her future, who she is meant to be. At the station, where all the stass tube is hidden, she decided to fight back the robot. With her little strength, she manages to throw the battery at the robot, which later exploded, and she was saved by hiding in the tube. As for her relationship with Xavier, they still love each other as much as they ever had. Rose was able to forgive the people who hurt her, in order to hold on to her dream. 4. I think the book is about 8. I was drawn into this book and its story since the first few pages. This is the first book that I really took home to read. The story is very excited and can pick up the speed at some parts. However, the fact that Rose fell in love with Bren too fast rather looking for her parents or Xavier made the story become just another fairytale with a modern twist. Besides that, I really like this book! 5. A. How old was Rose supposed to be if she wasn’t stassed? * Rose was technically a hundred years old. Before the last 62 years in stasis, she was stassed many times. It actually took her 38 years to reach the age of 16. (page 152 – 153) B. How many brother and sister does Rose have? Rose had two other siblings, a brother named Stephano and a sister named Seraphina. Rose doesn’t know (or remember) of their existence until she saw the files in the robot. Her siblings were also programed to be killed by the robot. If not, they were still stassed until then. (Page 312-313) C. What does Rose do in order to talk to Otto? Since Otto couldn’t talk and afraid to touch Rose, she decided to â€Å"chat†with Otto on a screen (I assume it’s like a tablet). (Page 102) 6. â€Å"I try to keep myself active, keep my heart open, refuse to sink into despair when I find myself crying for no reason in the middle of the night†. This is my favorite line of the book because Rose has been suffering so much, all because of her parents. She did not have the love that every human being deserve to have, yet she is still trying really hard to move on, forget the past and holding on to her future. I can also find myself in this line since I have been always trying to be happy and not being desperate over the â€Å"bad†things that happen in my life. 7. One thing I’ve learned from this book is to not give up easily and hold on to my dream.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
GMF and Effects on Human Health Essay -- genetic engineering genetical
Effects on Human Health      With the way technology has grown, especially in the field of genetic engineering, has led scientists to figure out a way to alter how food is made. This raises concerns and lot of questions regarding the methods they are using. From what possible side effects can occur to the risks it poses to everyone and everything. Unfortunately, there has been limited research and testing done. With that in mind there is not enough information available about the hazards of genetically modified foods. But, what we do know is alarming. Most of the debate surrounding GM foods are focus on the following three issues: 1. Human and environmental safety, 2. Labeling , and 3. Consumer choice. In this section of the paper I will be discussing how genetically modified food can be dangerous on the health of humans.      First we will start with the definition of Genetically Modified (GM) is â€Å"a special set of technologies that alter the genetic makeup of such living organisms as animals, plants, or bacteria. Biotechnology, a more general term, refers to using living organisms or their components, such as enzymes, to make products that include medicines and vaccines, foods and food ingredients, feeds, and fibers†.      The unique structure of GM food creates risk to humans which can affect them in the following ways: allergic reactions, toxicity, antibiotic resistance, adverse health side effects and death. It is impossible to foresee the damage inflicted ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Essay
      Ahmed and Vanessa have interest in locating a treasure, which is buried. It is my responsibility to help the two locate it. First, I will help them locate it by the use of Pythagorean quadratic. As per Ahmed’s half, the treasure is buried in the desert (2x + 6) paces form the Castle Rock while as per Vanessa’s half she has to walk (x) paces to the north then walk (2x + 4) paces to the east. According to the Pythagorean theorem, every right angled triangle with length (a) and (b) as well as a hypotenuse (c), has a relationship of (a2 + b2 = c2) (Larson & Hostetler, 2009).       In Ahmed and Vanessa’s case, I will let a=x, b =2x+4 and then c=2x+6. To follow, will be my efforts to put the measurements above into the real Pythagoras theorem equation as follows: X2+ (2x+4)2=(2x+6)2 this is the equation formed out of the Pythagoras Theorem X2+4Ãâ€"2+16x+16 = 4Ãâ€"2+ 24x+36 are the binomials squared x2 & 4Ãâ€"2 on both sides can be subtracted out. X2+16x+16 = 24x +36 subtract 16x from both sides X2+16 = 8x+36 now subtract 36 from both sides X2-20 = 8x X2-8x-20=0 I will use to solve the function by factoring using the zero factor. (x-) (x+) the coefficient of x2 Application and selection from the following (-2, 10: -10,2: -5,4; -4, -5) In this case, it seems that I am going to use -10 and 2 is as per how the expression looks like this (x-10)(x+2)=0 X-10=0 or x+2=0 creation of a complex equation x=10 or x=-2 these are the two probable resolutions to this equation.        One of the two calculated solutions is an extraneous solutions, as it do not work with such sceneries. The remaining solution I only have is (X=10) as the number of paces Ahmed and Vanessa have to accomplish to find the lost treasure. As a result the treasure is 10 paces to the north 2x+4 connect the 10, now its 2(10)+4=24 paces to the east of Castle Rock, or 2x+6= 2(10)+6=26 paces from Castle Rock. Financial polynomial       For the case of financial polynomials, I have first to write the polynomial without the parenthesis. Following the above, I have to solve for p= 2000 + r = 10% for part A and then solve for p= $5670 + r = 3.5% for part B, without the parenthesis as follows: P + P r + P r2/4 (the original polynomial) to reach this I followed the following steps: (1 + r/2)2 This is because it looks as if it is foil P(1 + r/2) P (1+r/2)(1+r/2) After the two equations I combine like terms. Because I am multiplying by 2 on r/2, it cancels out both 2’s and I then get left with is r as follows; P(1+ r/2 + r/2 + r2/4) P(1 + 2(r/2) + r2/4) I then write in descending order (P + Pr + Pr2) To solve for P=2000 and r=10% the following follows; P + Pr + Pr2/4 2000 + 2000 Ãâ€"(0.10) +2000Ãâ€" 0.1024 2000 + 200 + 5 = $2205 P(1+ r/2)2 2000Ãâ€"( 1 + .10)2 2000Ãâ€"(1.05)2 2000Ãâ€"( 1.1025) = $2205 For part B I will solve for P=5670 and r= 3.5% P + Pr + P Ãâ€"(r2/4) 5670 + 5670Ãâ€" (0.035) + 5670 Ãâ€" 0.0352 5670 + 198.45 + 1.7364375 = 5870.1864375 This is approximately ($5870.19) The problem 70 on page 311 has the following steps; (-9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x) à · (-3x) The Dividend is (-9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). The Dividend is (-9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3xAfter I divide -9 by -3 which equals +3. The x on the bottom cancels the x from the top. -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3x -3x -3x -9* x*x* x I am now left with 3Ãâ€"2 for the first part of the polynomial. -3 * x -9*x *x * x -3 * x I first divide 3 by -3, which equals -1 and the x from the bottom cancels out one of the x’s from the top. -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3x -3x -3x 3 *x *x At this point I am left with -1x, which simplifies to just –x, as the second part of the polynomial. Then -3 *x 3 *x * x -3 * x Then I divide -15 by -3, which equals positive 5, and the x on the bottom cancels out the x on the top, so you do not have any x’s to carry onto the answer of the equation. -9Ãâ€"3 + 3Ãâ€"2 – 15x -3x -3x -3x -15 *x At this point I am left with only 5 for the last part of the polynomial, and the answer is 3Ãâ€"2 – x + 5. -3 * x -15 * x -3 * x       The negative sign from the -3 x changes the plus sign in the equation to a minus sign, it changes the minus sign to a plus sign in the final answer, and the equation is in Descending order. Reference Larson, R., & Hostetler, R. P. (2009). Elementary and intermediate algebra. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Source document
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Curleys Wife’s Diary Essay
In the novel by John Steinbeck their was one character that really expressed his feeling to me and that character was Curley’s wife. Why am I such an emotional bucket? I’m not grumpy, im just lonely, noone gives me any attention, but all they want to do is just hurt me, by secluding me out because I am different, because I am a woman, my whole life has been denied to me, since I met that man in the club I thought my life was made, then my mother goes and denies my happiness and freedom to do whatever I want, even something good like going into the pictures, I did make a mistake because of my mothers fault, I married curley, that horrible horrible man was meant to be my escape from mother,†¦my Revenge†¦,but it didn’t happen, I just dug myself a deeper hole, I met curley in that club where I met the man, I met him the same night and i only really did it to get back at mother, that’s what she gets for ruining me life, Now,because of her I will never get my dream, and it could have been a reality, if that bag had’nt stopped my letters,†¦Everyone is so mean to me, they donâ₠¬â„¢t pay any attention and attempt to completely blank me from their life.Like when I was in the niggers tiny little hut,But I showed that stupid nigger why he shouldn’t treat me like dirt, because I am more important then him, even a secluded girl like me has more respect then a god damn nigger. I threatened to hang that man, he shouldn’t even be working here, he has a stupid back problem and looks like dung, he Should be shot.Also that stupid smelly sheep man Candy was there, what is he still doing in this ranch? He should have been kicked out ages ago, his a dumb smelly old man with no purpose , I Remember when I first showed George and lenny around the ranch.I was trying to make new friends is all and everyone was angry at me, including george, who tried to make that dumb bear ignore me as well. Then later when I asked where curley was, they all gave me bad looks, because I am a woman and I am different an they can not cope with that.I remember when I was sitting with lennie, the bear. I Saw that puppy he had killed and he was so panicy, trying to hide it from me, when I found it though he told me all his problems and he wasn’t so bad, we talked but all he seemed to care about as rabbits, he didn’t seem to pay attention to my troubles. But I guess he is dumb, All the men think I am trying to flirt. Sometimes I am talking to someone and they give me bad looks and tell me to go back to curley, as if he is my owner or something, and if they do not say that, instead curley beats me up, Lennie was telling me once that he likes to stroke things,†¦ and he also said that that’s how the puppy died and how all his pets die, and how he once had an aunt called clara who gave his special clothes for him to stroke. I think he is dumb or crippled in the head,. He told me that once he got in trouble with a girl in weed because he touched her dress and he was chased,
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Facades of Freedom essays
The Facades of Freedom essays There are multitudes of varying perceptions regarding the concept of freedom. Whether the freedom of the individual, of our nation or of the human race, there is a constant state of conflicting emotions in our country that date back to the colonial days. Just as the new settlers struggled to identify and trigger their ideas of freedom, so do Americans today. Nothing has stricken more personal chords throughout history than the struggle and debate over differing beliefs of freedom As this is a very complex area of discussion, many questions arose: Did our Founding Fathers subscribe to an idea of freedom that persists today? Or has our centrally controlled government converted our ancestors' guidelines of freedom to hold more power over the people? These are a few questions that many Americans face today, but through a philosophical view, questions surfaced on the freedom of the human race. Questions such as: Are we as humans capable of handling complete and ultimate freedom? Do we need some sort of guidelines and laws to sustain us as a race? And most importantly, are people ultimately afraid of true freedom? Following is an exploration of these questions. Webster's Dictionary defines freedom as the condition of being free of restraints. It also states that one should possess liberty from slavery, detention, and oppression. It states that freedom and liberty are virtually synonymous. In order to have complete freedom, people must have no restrictions on h ow they think, speak, or act. People are responsible for realizing what choices they have and must have the opportunity to act on those choices. Ultimately, to be free, people must not be controlled by anyone else. Yet, it is known that no organized society can actually provide all these conditions at all times. "Liberty too must be limited to be possessed" was expressed by Edmund Burke, a British philosopher. These limitations Burke spoke of arises the idea that in order to ha...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
On Being a Travel Writer for AAA
On Being a Travel Writer for AAA Wanderlust bit me early – as a toddler skipping stones across the Great Lakes, and as a young girl fishing with Dad in the Florida Keys. I’d often dreamed of being a travel writer. After attending the 2011 Missouri Writer’s Guild conference, I had the opportunity to connect with the editor of AAA Midwest Traveler and AAA Southern Traveler. She requested writing samples I’d penned on travel. I jumped at the chance, and emailed her a feature article on horse drawn sleigh-riding published in Missouri Life, two stories on Folly Beach, South Carolina published in The Folly Current, and a personal essay on scuba diving. The editor enjoyed my stories and mailed me a contract for a Caribbean feature article, â€Å"Inside the Bahamas Out Islands,†covering romance in Great Guana Cay, Abaco; Hopetown Elbow Cay’s history, and water sports in Eleuthera, Bahamas. The contract recapped the story idea, provided formatting guidelines, word count, due date, contracted amount, and assignment letter. AAA article prices are preset, so there was no negotiation. After signing and returning the paperwork, I used the assignment letter to contact tourism offices in the locale I was visiting. Sometimes perks are offered After arriving at a resort, I meet with the Public Relations Manager or General Manager to discuss the resort’s unique features and secure quotes pertinent to the article. Perks have included butlered-stays at Sandals Emerald Bay, Exuma, behind the scenes tours at Churchill Downs, an upgrade to an oceanfront beach house in the Bahamas, and an all-day fast-boat adventure in the Exuma Cays. I cherish these comps as I never know when I’ll receive them. As with any story, it’s important to â€Å"Show, Don’t Tell,†a pearl of wisdom I learned as a member of my writing group Saturday Writers. The aroma of the frangipani, the cool ocean mist touching skin, the tangerine and blue violet sunset, all add to the experience. Creating visual images places the reader in the moment. Anything less cheats them. Carrying a variety of cameras helps me connect the dots at a later date, especially if I can’t remember if the hibiscus floating in the sunken tub was red-orange or magenta, or the shape of water droplets in a tide pool were round or oval. I carry a small notebook with me at all times, especially when I’m writing on ocean adventures when a computer isn’t feasible. While on a 007 Thunderball adventure tour in the Exuma Cays, we stopped to feed iguanas, snorkel in the grotto where the James Bond movie Thunderball was filmed, and skip on the sand at Galiot Cay sandbar. Experiences are key in travel writing. When writing about spa-cations then The query period for AAA is open from January through April. Assignments are set shortly thereafter, with deadlines the following year, unless otherwise stated. Source and contact information should be supplied to your editor, whether at AAA or otherwise, which includes names, addresses, emails, websites, and phone numbers for anyone you’ve interviewed or photographed. AAA verifies source information and fact checks the article closer to the date. When you add up all the adventures, people met, and land traversed, it’s not a bad gig. The fact that I’m able to combine my love of traveling with writing and photography is a blessing. And I’ve made many friends along the way.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Vanity Fair Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Vanity Fair Corporation - Research Paper Example It is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina. It has other headquarters in Europe, Asia and Latin America. VF Corporation is the home of many brands such as Jeanswear, Vanity Fair image, outdoor and Action, sportswear, contemporary. Vanity Fair corporation stores can be found in various countries across the world. This is the most popular brand with the customers at VF Corporation. The company manufactures Jeanswear that is comfortable and long lasting such as Lee Jeans which dates back to 1889. Moreover, the company enjoys a heritage of quality clothes that are classic and comfortable. As such, Lee is among the most popular casual brands across the world. Other types of Jeanswear produced by the company include Wrangler, Wrangler Premium, and Riders, 20x among others that are designed for men, Women and Kids VF Corporation 1. This is the second most popular brand by the company. It comprises of three main brands that are, Image wear, Active wear and Majestic. However, there are other brands such as Bulwark, Chef Designs among others that range from uniforms, protective gear to privately owned and public agencies who order their products directly from the company. The brand’s popularity stems from its production of superior quality products that are safe to wear and durable (VF Corporation 2). This brand consists of technically advanced, innovative gear and footwear that continue to inspire athletes to continue exploring. The outdoor and action segment also has a variety of trendy bags that vary from convenient shoulder bags, ingenious luggage and travel accessories that contain the Eastpak and Kipling labels among others. This brand is popular for maintaining trends and inspiring athletes through its technically advanced products (VF Corporation 3). This brand contains leading global lifestyle varieties for all. There are protective gear for men, women as well as children including a home collection. The
Thursday, October 31, 2019
How To Reduce Hospital Infections Related To Invasive Devices Essay
How To Reduce Hospital Infections Related To Invasive Devices - Essay Example A very common example would be the performance of invasive procedures that use invasive devices such as urinary catheterization, naso-gastric tube insertion, and intravenous catheterization. Key words: invasive devices, invasive procedures, hospital infections, How to Reduce Hospital Infections Related to Invasive Devices Every year more lives are compromised or worst lost due to the increasing number of incidences of hospital related infections. It is very frightening to think that the hospitals and health care facilities which are supposed to save lives are the least places people would think that their health will be compromised and yet some studies point fingers on these health havens and say failure can be from the hands of the health care providers especially in handling invasive devices. Invasive devices such as catheters of different kinds are being utilized by the health care team for patients needing itâ€â€such patients needing hydration or infusion of antibiotic therap y are given IV catheter insertions. And such use of invasive devices for such procedures has been reported to have complications that put patient’s life at risk. ... terature in the use of invasive devices, the standard policies and procedures, as well as the solutions and better outcomes deemed and reviewed from published works and studies. Change Plan I. Over the years the increasing number of hospital related infections due to invasive devices increased. The use of these devices has been established to incur and help improve patient outcome by allowing better access to patients in terms of medication, nutrition, hydration and even drainage. But the increasing prevalence of complications from the use of such devices somehow places the credibility of such procedures at risk as well as doubting the ability of the nurse in performing procedures without causing further complications. The standard of safe practice in performing such procedures needs to be reevaluated and reinforced to be able to strengthen the chain of procedures without breaking the barrier to prevent infections. II. The prevalence of hospital infections due to invasive devices nee ds to be addressed. By reviewing the standard practice in the use of invasive devices, healthcare providers will be able to come up with the analysis and evaluation regarding the effectiveness of such practice in ensuring safety to patients and preventing further and additional complications. By performing such evaluation techniques the rate of prevalence of infections will be decreased and eventually totally avoided. Furthermore the review evaluation will increase the nurses’ and patients’ knowledge regarding proper procedure and care of invasive devices that will lead to better patient outcome and preventable related infections. III. Intravenous therapy is a crucial and indispensable aspect of nursing practice in acute settings, and is expanding into community care (Lavery & Smith,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Report on employability position Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Report on employability position - Essay Example The word â€Å"employability†is simply pertaining to each individual’s capabilities of being able to be hired for the job post a person wishes to apply. The concept of employability does not necessarily stop with the idea of being hire but also a person’s ability to maintain his/her competitiveness in order to maintain such employment for a long period of time. Considering this point-of-view, employability would somehow indirectly refer to the qualities and skills each person has in order to be able to outstandingly perform a particular task. Globalization has somehow triggered the market competition within the labour market. In order to compete effectively with other small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or large multinational companies, HR managers are being challenged to maintain a number of self-efficient employees who are capable of multi-tasking in order to keep the overhead or cost of labour as low as possible. qualification requirement from each job post has become more complex in the sense that job applicants who were able to acquire multiple skills and has the ability to easily cope with the continuously changing demand in the labour market are the ones who could easily be hired for their preferred job post. For this reason, each person has to consider the knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSAs) they have acquired over the years in order to learn more about their individual employability for a potential employment. Employability of each individual is more than the academic backgrounds they have acquired from school and universities. Specifically the knowledge of each person outside the scope of academic subjects and attitude are equally important to enable a person be hired or be able to maintain their preferred employment. For example: The job of a bar tender does not stop with having knowledge about mixing cocktail drinks. In most cases, it also requires special skills like juggling some empty bottles as a form of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Market Failure With Graphical Analysis Economics Essay
Market Failure With Graphical Analysis Economics Essay As Roral Coase indicated, the question to be decided is: Is the value of fish lost greater or less than the product which contamination of the stream makes possible. Thus, it is understand that concept of social efficiency is difficult to achieve because of unexpected costs. Government intervention to the economy can be justified when market fails to achieve social efficiency (Webster, 2003). Social efficiency occurs when marginal social cost (MSC) is equal to marginal social benefit (MSB) (Sloman and Garratt, 2011). The market demand curve reflects MSB from an economic activity and supply curve reflects MSC of it (Begg, 2009). Instead, markets do not always attain an efficient output because of under-production and over-production of some goods and services. Inefficient level of production causes deadweight lost which represents a decrease in total surplus and this is market failure (Parkins, 2012). Under these conditions, Pareto efficiency cannot exist. According to Verhoef (1997, p. 3) Pareto efficiency is, a feasible situation, usually in terms of the allocation of goods and production factors, for which exists no other feasible situation that is weakly preferred by all agents. So, he concludes that markets mostly fail to achieve Pareto efficiency. In the literature, the major causes of market failure are (Parkins, 2012; Sloman and Garratt; 2010; Bregg, 2009; Blink and Dorton, 2007; McAleese, 2004, Morey, 2012): Externalities Public goods Merit and De-merit goods Market power Factor Immobility Imperfect information The major causes of market failure with graphical analysis are discussed as follows. Externalities: Externalities are economic side effects and can be either positive or negative (Grant, 2003). Externalities are costs/benefits that are imposed on people who are not directly involved in economic activities (Henderson, 2005). Positive externalities (external benefits) have beneficial effects while negative externalities (external costs) have harmful effects on third parties (Grant, 2003). Externalities cause market failure since decision makers generally consider only marginal private cost (MPC) and marginal private benefit (MPB) (Grant, 2003). There are four main types of externalities (Sloman and Garratt, 2010): -Negative externalities of production -Positive externalities of production -Negative externalities of consumption -Positive externalities of consumption Production and consumption externalities cause differences between private and social costs of production and also private and social benefits of consumption (Margetts, 2012). Social cost equals to sum of private costs and external costs while social benefits equals to sum of private benefits and external benefits (Sloman and Garratt, 2010; Parkins, 2012). Negative externalities of production: Negative externalities of production occur when the production process imposes external costs on third-parties (Grant, 2003). It exists when MSC of production exceeds MPC of the firm. For example, the production of cars can cause air, noise and visual pollution. Pollution can be harmful for people who are living around the factory. In Figure 1, MSC of production is above MPC. If a factory is interested in profit maximisation, it produces at Q. It is not producing at Q1, where MSC is equal to MSB, so it is market failure. There is an over-production (Q-Q1) that means misallocation of societys resources (Blink and Dorton, 2007). Moreover, the overproduction (Q-Q1) causes welfare loss as well. Positive Externalities of Production: Positive externalities of production occur when the production or provision of some goods or services creates external benefits for third parties (Blink and Dorton, 2007). In this case, MSC of production is less than MPC. For example, if a car factory provides training to its employees, this raises costs of the factory but increases the productivity of workforce. If these employees leave that firm and start working in another firm, this creates benefits for new employers since they do not have to spend money on the training of their new employees. It is figured out in the following graph. In the figure 2, MPC is above MSC. So the car factory produces at Q which is less than the social optimum output level at Q1. Between Q1 and Q, there is a potential welfare gain which is shown by the highlighted area. If the output level increases from Q to Q1, welfare would be gained. In this example, there is underproduction or provision of beneficial output that means misallocation of societys resources and it causes market failure (Blink and Dorton, 2007). Negative externality of consumption: Negative externality of consumption occurs when the consumption of some goods and services impose external costs on third parties (Grant, 2003). It exists when MPB is greater than MSB. For example, the consumption of cigarettes has harmful effects on others who are not smoking, called passive smokers. This may cause cancer. In figure 3, MPB is above MSB. This means that consumers are trying to maximise their private benefits without considering the externalities they create. There is over consumption of cigarettes, so it causes welfare loss to the society. This causes market failure. The welfare loss occurs when MSC is not equal to MSB (Grant, 2003). Positive externalities of consumption: Positive externalities of consumption occur when the consumption of some goods and services impose external benefits on third parties (Grant, 2003). It exists when MPB is less than MSB. For example, consumption of health care provides benefits for the whole society. If a person is healthy he wont transmit diseases to others and healthy people will perform better. In figure 4, MSB is above MPB. The consumption of health services is at Q1 with price P1. On the other hand, the socially optimum output level is at Q2 where MSC is equal to MSB. If consumption of health care services increase, welfare would be gained. Public goods: The two distinct characteristics of public goods are; non-rival and non-excludable (Tataw, 2011; Griffiths and Wall, 2007; McAleese, 2004; Borooah, 2003; Parkin, 2012). Thus, public goods can only be provided by the government and some private firms that are subsidised by the government (Sloman and Garratt, 2010). Lighting and pavement can be given as an example of non-rival goods (Dewar, 2010). Consumption of non-rival goods by one person does not prevent others using/consuming those goods (Grant, 2003). Lighthouses and national defence are examples of non-excludable goods (Johnson-Lans, 2004). Once they are made available for someone, they become available for everyone (Folland et al., 2007; Henderson, 2005). This will give rise to free rider problem. Free riders are the people who receive the benefits from goods and services without paying for them. So public goods are like externality (Begg, 2009). Based on the above conditions, Tataw (2011, p. ?) concludes that, market failures arise because only a small quantity of public goods will be provided inefficiently in private markets. Merit Goods: Merit goods create positive externalities when they are consumed (Margretts, 2012). This means that MSB exceeds MPB. This is presented in figure 5. The benefits of merit goods are not fully esteemed by typical consumers (Tataw, 2011). This causes under consumption and under provision of merit goods. In figure 5, consumption of merit goods are at Q, that is below the socially optimum output level, so this means misallocation of societys resources and cause market failure. De-merit goods: Contrary to merit goods, consumption of de-merit goods have harmful effects on third parties and create negative externalities (Grant, 2003). Cigarettes and alcohol are examples of de-merit goods (Blink and Dorton, 2007). Consumption of alcohol may make the drinkers feel good but they can create disturbance in public places. This is indicated below. In figure 6, MPB exceeds MSB. The consumption of alcohol is at Q1 which is above the socially optimum output level, so there is over consumption. This creates welfare loss. Market Power: In an imperfectly competitive market, firms are not able to produce at socially optimum output level (Sloman and Garratt, 2010) and it causes market failure. For example, in a monopolistic market, there is a single producer who can achieve profit maximisation in a short-run (Margetts, 2012). In this situation, producers produce where MC=MR, and this is reflected in figure 7. In figure 7, monopolistic producer produces at Q1 which is profit maximisation level and it also represents privately optimum output level. Also, Q1 is below the socially optimum output level which is at Q2. In this scenario, benefits obtained by producers are much more than what consumers receive. This is represented by the deadweight loss and highlighted within the figure. Factor Immobility: Two main types of factor immobility are; geographical immobility and occupational immobility (Blink and Dorton, 2007). Immobility of resources, such as labour and capital, might result in misallocation of resources, an increase in unemployment level and productively inefficiency in the market (Grant, 2003). This is reflected in igure 8 with a PPFs curve. In figure 8, points on the curve represent the productive efficient levels. The point E represents the productively inefficient point (Grant, 2003). Imperfect Information: Buyers and sellers may have inefficient choices if they are not fully informed about costs and benefits of consumption or production of goods and services (Grant, 2003; McAlleese, 2004). Imperfect information makes it difficult for economic decision makers for equate marginal benefit and marginal cost, so this causes market failure (Blink and Dorton, 2007). For example, the contribution of the merit goods to consumers is much more than what they think (Grant, 2003). This is partly because of imperfect information (Riley, 2012). In figure 9, there is under consumption of merit goods. This prevents social efficiency and causes market failure. As a conclusion, todays environmental problems and monopolistic markets encourage government interventions and a need for a central authority to coordinate the market mechanism inevitable, after almost eighty years that was first introduced by Keynesian economics school of taught.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck :: Of Mice and Men Essays
Introduction. 'Of Mice and Men' is written by John Steinbeck, published in 1937. The novel is set in the 1930s during the great depression in California. The two prominent characters, George and Lennie are farm workers who have a dream of one-day owning their own ranch. They find work in a ranch near Soledad, after escaping from Weed because of George's incident. They are met by different characters on the farm that all have a dream. Lots of farm workers would share the dream of all one day owning some land of their own. This dream became very popular and was named the 'American Dream.' Its people came from every country and background with the one belief that America would bring them wealth and happiness. For very many others, America offered escape from poverty and starvation. It was a new country, an undiscovered one. In Europe land had always been the key to money and status. Only in America could the poor of Europe hope to own their own land. The country became more and more heavily populated as the word got around of gold mines, and new homes and villages developed creating communities. At its simplest the American Dream was the popular idea that America was a country that allowed men and women to make a clean start. Like all dreams the reality did not always match the dream. However the destruction of the Indians, the American civil war and the creation of city slums were all growing pains of a great country. Yet the dream survived. That is this dream survived until the late 1920s. By then there was no more land to be claimed and America had built up its own rules and laws. This marked the start of the great depression. Farming was badly effected, as over farming had caused huge areas of land to just dry up. This was the creation of the famous 'dust bowl.' Poor crops meant that many of the farmers were unable to pay back the debts they had taken out in the first place to buy the land.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Personal Ethics in Nursing Essay
Ethics is the discipline that waits in the wings as a health-restoring resource when moral guidelines fail to do the job alone. Ethics provides a language, along with methods, and tools for evaluating the components of personal, societal, and group morality to create a better path for yourself and others. Some of its most important uses are to clarify, organize, and critique morality to highlight what does and does not fit in a particular situation (Purtilo, 2011). A nurse cultivates personal ethics through personal, cultural, and spiritual values which becomes a moral compass for their professional ethics. Personal ethics in combination with the code of ethics often assist the nurses in personal and social decision making during ethical dilemma. This ability prompts them to better respond to needs of the suffering patient and their own well-being. Nursing ethics shares many principles with medical ethics such as beneficence, non-maleficience, and respect for autonomy. Nursing ethics however, can be distinguished by its emphasis on relationships, collaborative care and human dignity, because the health care climate is regularly changing, as is our society, it is crucial that nurses have a grounded understanding of ethics (Ward, 2012). Born in a middle-class Christian family from South India, the strict traditional values helped to embed the concept of service through family and friends who taught me trust, respect, integrity, and responsibility for my education and beliefs. One of my major spiritual values that kindled the concept of service within me is â€Å"do unto others as you would have them do unto you†which is found in the Bible. At an early age I started to practice this concept by not only self-respect for myself but mainly treating others with respect. Individuals may build their moral values from listening to their parents, grandparents, religious beliefs, friends, books, their local societal values and even watching television. Moral values and enthusiasm help an individual to understand one’s accountability to their profession to deliver harmless, a compassionate work atmosphere. This empowers nurses to raise their self-confidence in their profession. Maintaining the existing responsibilities in the nursing field is vibrant to assist patients, families, and the general public. Our ethnic standards play a big role in nursing life. Nurses however should not be judgmental of patient’s beliefs and force their own beliefs in patient care. Hospitals under Joint Commission are responsible for addressing and maintaining patient’s privileges. These privileges include the accommodation; divine, mystical, particular Cultural values and follows while providing care to patients from diverse faiths. Nurses must have reverence and not put down the patient’s faith and values, and provide care consistently. Being acquainted with a variety of different cultures, languages, and religions influence worldly views and nursing decisions in providing culturally sensitive care. The traditional spiritual and cultural morals along with diverse worldviews became the directorial moral compass to take the right decision on behalf of the patients and personal life and empowered to improve the confidence and capability as a nurse. Values, Morals, and Ethics are often thought of as interweaved and to have the same denotation when each of solely have a different meaning for themselves. Values are one’s fundamental beliefs developed from childhood through family and society. Morals are values that attribute to a system of beliefs. Values are the language that has evolved to identify intrinsic things a person, group, or society holds dear. Not all values are moral values either. For instance, some things are cherished for their beauty, novelty, or efficiency they bring to our lives (Purtilo, 2011). When values, morals, and ethics of nurse influence his or her professional conduct, it often tips to conflicting situation in one’s nursing practices. For example, the topic of abortion is frowned upon when looked at from a spiritual Christian standpoint. When a nurses’ spiritual doctrine is against abortion, it would be against their moral to assist in decision making to abort the baby even when the fetus is deformed, thus arising an ethical dilemma between personal values and coming to an ethical conclusion on aborting the baby. Hospital management may develop a strong Code of Ethics in order to help regulate and maintain a professional atmosphere for nurses so that their decision making will be easier when they incur ethical dilemmas. A Code of Ethics not only serves as a guideline for nurses but also sets a standard for them to abide by. Being in the nursing field my tasks vary from caring, communicating, teaching, bedside care, and even advocating therefore the likelihood of ethical dilemmas are inescapable. Thus far I haven’t been faced with any major ethical dilemmas that would violate my spiritual doctrines that I uphold. Most commonly the ethical dilemmas I’ve seen care providers face are usually due to religious and spiritual backgrounds of the patient. Some religions do not support induced death by humans and nurses may have trouble supporting the patient and family about cases like abortion. Although it is the individual’s right to make decisions about their bodies, the religious values do not allow one to be apart of the procedure. Therefore when I’ve been in minor ethical dilemmas while being a care provider I go by what is medically and ethically correct. Nurses are an important element of the health care field because their decisions along with commitment play an essential role for the welfare and safety of humanity. If their decision making is based on personal, cultural, and spiritual values then at times they may be faced with an ethical dilemma. In situations where they’re beliefs may be tested, nurses are expected to either follow the Code of Ethics set out by their management or they should be professional and do what is medically right in order to deliver quality care.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analyzing Anna O, Freud. Breuer, Jung
Analyzing Anna O Examining the theories of Sigmund Freud, Joseph Breuer and Carl Jung March 20, 2013 1 Bertha Pappenheim, better known as Anna O, in the world of psychology, was 21 years old when she first became a patient of Dr. Josef Breuer. She was said to be a gifted girl, with a high intellect. Sadly, however, she had a series of psychological and physical disturbances that rendered her almost incapable of functioning. â€Å"She suffered from a rigid paralysis, accompanied by loss of sensation, of both extremities on the right side of her body; and the same trouble from time to time affected her on her left side.Her eye movements were disturbed and her power of vision was subject to numerous restrictions. †(freudfile. org) In addition to these problems she also suffered confusion, delirium and alteration of her personality. (This was described as â€Å"absence†at the time) She had head posture problems, and was unable to speak or understand her native language at times. Throughout her treatment with Dr. Breuer, these and other additional conditions would surface. It was during her treatment that Sigmund Freud showed an interest in her case. Breuer was an associate of Freud and had trained under him.Breuer had disagreements with some of Freud’s theories and set out to start his own practice. It was this case that inspired the â€Å"psychoanalytic cure†, which was the start of the widely used psychoanalytic methods used today. At the onset of Anna’s case, Dr. Breuer seemed at a lost with how to treat her. However, as Anna’s treatment progressed, he gained insight when he observed that, â€Å"while the patient was in her states of ‘absence (altered personality accompanied by confusion), she was in the habit of muttering a few words to herself which seemed as though they arose from some train of thought that was occupying her mind. (freudfile. org) 2 Once Dr. Breuer gained this insight, he engaged in a t ype of hypnosis. Utilizing these words, he enabled her to focus on them as a starting point. By doing this, Anna was able to reproduce the mental thoughts that were occupying her mind when in one of her altered states. As stated above, Sigmund Freud developed an interest in the Anna O case. His fascination with this case led to his publishing Studies in hysteria. It was this publication which establishes Freud as the â€Å"father of psychoanalysis†.At this time, Freud constructs his theory that when the mind is fearful and overly emotional (hysterical), a person may develop disease symptoms. He goes on to explain the techniques of â€Å"free association and dream interpretation†, which, in turn, becomes the core of psychoanalysis. Once this was done, he was able to establish psychoanalysis as a legitimate clinical science. Freud went on the publish Theory on Dreams; The Conscious and Unconscious Mind; The Id, Ego, and Superego; Psychosexual Development, and other theor ies. Freud first published Theory on Dreams in 1899.During the first 6 years after its publication, the book sold only 351 copies. In fact, it took 2 decades before Freud received his fame. A paragraph from the PBS movie Young Dr. Freud summarizes Freud Theory on Dreams. â€Å"He uses dreams and dreaming to develop and weave an entire theory of mental functioning, perception, memory, and wishes. That, I believe, is the reason and the foundation for why it's viewed as a landmark. In the dream book the Oedipus complex is stated, the role of infantile sexuality is recognized. That dreams have meaning is recognized.The patient is asked 3 to free associate. Once you have the dream book you can start business as psychoanalysts because you know – at least you have a hunch of how to do it†. (Young Dr. Freud, 2002) Throughout Freud’s life, many aspiring psychologists were associated with him. In 1906, Carl Jung begins letter correspondence with Sigmund Freud. In 1907, J ung visits Freud in Vienna and writes The Psychology of Dementia Praecox . Jung resigns from working at the Burgholzli Mental Hospital in Zurich, and visits the USA with Freud.In 1909, he also opens his own private practice of psychoanalysis and continues it until his death in 1967, at the age of 85. During Jung’s early association with Freud, he was a tireless fighter for the Freudian cause, that is, the universal promotion of psychoanalysis. He was swayed by Freud's methodology with the elusive problem of dream interpretation. However, in 1912 he announces his independence of Freud and goes on to publish Neue Bahnen der Psychologie. This independence seems to be a long time in the making.Jung was slowly disagreeing with Freud’s theories, cumulating with his reluctance towards Freud’s theory on the role of sexuality in the psychic development. By 1914 Jung had resigned from all positions he had held. At this time he seems to have gone through his own persona l turmoil, and it was reported he was suffering from moods verging on â€Å"near schizophrenia†(carl-jung. net) There has been a great deal of documentation showing that Jung had an affair with a former patient, named Spielrein, during these years. Perhaps adding to his break with Freud and his sexual theories.Jung felt that Freud’s theories were too extensive, summing up with this quote,â€Å" The great problems of life  sexuality, of course, among others  are always related to the primordial images of the collective unconscious. †4 As great as the differences were regarding sexuality, a greater one was forming, their views on the unconscious. To Freud, the unconscious encompasses repressed or forgotten thoughts, while lingering within the individual psyche. The unconscious is like a repository for forgotten things of a person’s past.It is absolutely personal and belongs to that individual person alone. Jung, on the other hand, maintai ned there is a personal unconscious, but it rests on a collective unconscious. He felt that the collective unconscious does not derive from the personal unconscious, but it is formed from something that is â€Å"universal in nature. †Jung believed that this collective unconscious is the same in all individuals. Therefore, while Freud believed that everything comes down to a person’s past: family, relationships and repressed sexual wants and confusions.Jung maintained it was the collective unconscious which was â€Å"the great sea†in which everything else in the psyche came from and took shape. When analyzing the case of Anna O, Freud and Jung would have had disagreements. Freud felt the Anna O’s problems most likely stemmed from sexual abuse as a child. In fact, it was his view that eventually led to the rift between him and Dr. Breuer. Freud was also of the mind that this abuse rested completely in the personal unconscious. Jung would not have placed a great importance on a possible sexual abuse.Instead, he would have viewed Anna O through his collective unconscious theory. Jung may have gone so far as equating Anna’s paralyzes, and her dream of the snakes as corroboration to this theory. Siting the universal fears humans have of snakes, going back to the first book of the Bible. 5 To me, Freud would have approached Anna O with many questions concerning her childhood and possible sexual abuse. He would have been determined to find the link between her problems and abuse. Jung, on the other hand, may have placed his attention on making Anna aware of the common fears humans have, and why.While they both may have attempted a form of hypnosis, I do not think they would have succeeded, as Dr. Breuer did. In fact, It is my opinion Anna O was very lucky to have Dr. Breuer treating her and not Freud or Jung. 6 References: http://carl-jung. net/stages Feist, G. , Feist, J. (2009) Theories of Personality www. argosy. edu. myclassroo m. com http://www. freudfile. org/psychoanalysis/annao_case, Sigmund Freud: Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis. http://oaks. nvg. org http://vizedhtmlcontent. next. ecollege. com http://www. pbs. org/youngdrfreud/pages/theories_sexuality , (2002) Young Dr. Freud
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